Keeping the Faith
Tonight seems like the first time in a while I've actually been able to take a moment and gather my thoughts. Where do I begin? Brent was released from the hospital on Tuesday. At that point we were informed that there were no signs of bacteria in the fluid they extracted via paracentesis. The Sky Ridge doctors at that point believed that his malignant ascites was causing all his symptoms. Malignant ascites happens when cancer spreads to the abdominal lining, it can cause irritation and stimulate the lining to create extra fluid. Brent's oncologist however, was not so sure. He requested another paracentesis on Wednesday. Thursday Brent called my sister and they rushed to urgent care per Dr's orders. This time the fluids they extracted tested positive for bacteria. As of yesterday he has three different bacteria's growing in the fluids that were extracted on Wednesday. Brent and I continue to have full faith in his oncologist. I'm incredibly thankful he figured out what was going on! I have to remember, even when I think his oncologist might not be communicating as much as I'd like, he has Brent's back. His actions keep proving he's got this.
Based on these results his oncologist consulted with the infectious disease team. He will need to continue taking antibiotics, which would ultimately delay the trial for too long. Dr's main concern right now is the fluid buildup, which can only be resolved with treatments. So tomorrow he starts a new chemo regimen. This regimen is very similar to what he started off with in February, however it does not include immunotherapy. I can not tell you how relieved I feel. I know this will get him back to the Brent we all know. I believe that down to my core.
Brent received a call from his oncologist at UCHealth as well. He stated he is completely on board with the direction we are taking. He also let Brent know that he's always on the lookout for clinical trials that Brent can qualify for. Brent literally has a whole team of doctors behind him. We all have to remember that!
The past few weeks have been quite challenging, yet through it all we have seen so much kindness. Our days have become easier all because of our village and their unlimited selfless acts. We can't thank you enough. Please know that you have all brought peace to our home during a time we never thought that could be possible. I know we ended up in Parker for a reason. Having my sister so close is a godsend. Brent's family is amazing. Our neighbors and soccer family have truly rallied around us. My promise to all of you is to pay it forward in the same manner you have for us.
Please keep those prayers and positive thoughts coming! I believe every single one of you are helping get us to a better place. For those that have asked how they can help. Our neighborhood has set up a meal train, if you would like to participate feel free to reach out and I will send you the information. Sarah Goldsmith has also kindly set up a GoFundMe. If you are able to contribute the link is below. Thank you all again and again!
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